CCM Summer Invite

Date Aug. 2-4, 2024
Location Massachusetts
Ages 2017-2011, 15s, 16U, 18U
Gender male


Here is the full USA Hockey statement on unsanctioned events.  Please be sure to read through in its entirety.  In addition, we will have FULL SEPARATE INSURANCE COVERAGE IN PLACE. Please be sure your teams do not enter under your sanctioned USAH organization team name. This is not permissible and we will not accept any sanctioned USAH teams.  You must be a separate team name with separate jerseys away from your USAH club association. 
Despite the foregoing, if an Affiliate’s member organization or team desires to play in events or games that are not sanctioned by USA Hockey, they may seek a Special Event sanction for such game or event, or they may also do so provided that certain other requirements are met. A group of Individual Participants from a USA Hockey team playing in a non-USA Hockey sanctioned event or game must do so as part of a separate organization (for example, a separately incorporated corporation) that is sufficiently distinct from the USA Hockey sanctioned program. The non-sanctioned organization or team(s) should also have a separate board of directors, the team cannot wear the same uniforms or have the same team names, and all rink or vendor contracts relating to the non-sanctioned team(s) or activities must be in the name of the separate organization rather than the USA Hockey member organization or team. A sanctioned program should have separate bank accounts from the non-sanctioned organization. Additionally, sanctioned and nonsanctioned programs should not be included in the same advertisements or websites. Distinguishing teams participating in nonsanctioned events or programs from teams that are members of USA Hockey will help avoid making USA Hockey, its Affiliates or member organizations liable for activities conducted in connection with non-sanctioned play; prevent the occurrence of situations where USA Hockey’s insurance could potentially be asserted to apply in a non-sanctioned event; and will also help make Individual Participants (and their parents or guardians) aware of which games or events are under USA Hockey rules and oversight and are covered by USA Hockey insurance and other benefits. For a violation of these requirements, the team, coaches, administrators and/or program may be subject to sanctions as determined by the Affiliate following a hearing and any appeals provided in USA Hockey Bylaw 10. Â